
What We Offer

  • 90-day residential program
  • Residential services approved by the city of El Paso
  • Access to alcohol and drug counseling by credentialed professionals
  • Full onsite Primary Care Medical Clinic, including psychiatric treatment
  • Residents introduced to 12-step and faith-based recovery fellowships
  • Peer Recovery Coaches certified by the state of Texas
  • Weekly meetings with recovery coaches
  • Personal plan of recovery with resident’s full commitment and ownership
  • Three daily recovery support groups
  • Daily access to outside recovery support meetings
  • Residents encouraged to identify with a long-term recovery program
  • Exit plan for transition from residential services to the culture of recovery
  • Supportive Sober Housing available after completion of 90-day program
  • Up to 2-years aftercare
  • Large commercial kitchen with support for special dietary needs
  • Social and recreational events in large auditorium
  • Outpatient services available upon request
  • Volunteer service opportunities