
Be of service

JOIN US – Be a Volunteer!

Volunteers are people who are WILLING to undertake a service, and no two volunteers are alike.  They come in a variety of sizes and styles, displaying different faces, voices, personalities and passions…  The one ADMIRABLE quality they share, is how faithfully they work behind the scenes in a common mission.In 2008, it was estimated that 61.8 million Americans contributed 8 billion hours of volunteer service to their communities!  Volunteers are members of our society who make an undeniable and lasting impact on people, and foster social changes that benefit the entire country. Too, as nonprofit organizations struggle to provide services on smaller budgets, volunteers become even more vital to the health of our communities. At Recovery Alliance, we have always considered our volunteers an integral part of our recovery family.  Whether assisting with office administration, public outreach, tradeshow teaming, event staffing or “barge toting”, the efforts of our volunteers continue to help us realize our vision of a community that supports and embraces recovery from substance abuse disorders.We conduct frequent Volunteer Orientations in order to share our history and values, discuss current projects, and encourage new recruits to participate with us! Truly, when we all work together, we can achieve so much more than we could ever achieve on our own… We become part of something far more powerful than ourselves.